Digital Technology mastering Drone
CoDrone is the world’s first programmable drone developed for teaching programming and drone technology in the schools. CoDrone, in its simplest form, can be controlled by a programmable remote, or can be programmed directly to perform engaging and fun activities.
With available add-on modules, you can create advanced programs like making the drone to follow you or engage yourself in a laser battle with your friends’ drones.
This course on CoDrone programming lets you practice graphical programming and fly the drone at the same time.
Course is ideal for:
- School students (Year 5 – 10)
- Beginner to programming and robotics/drones
Material Required:
- Hardware -
- Software - SNAP Tool (or RBCoDrone Rokit software) and Bluetooth board driver (Available for download: or )
- Computer
This course is designed to familiarise you with basics of graphical programming using SNAP tool. A comprehensive range of coding exercises prepare you for programming your CoDrone, starting from basic movements to a variety of complex pre-programmed flight challenges.
After completing this course, participant would be able to:
- Familiarise themselves with hardware features (LEDs, flight movements and on-board sensors)
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of various sensors available in the CoDrone
- Create program using SNAP software (Graphical programming tool) and test them on CoDrone
- Program the CoDrone to fly on with a pre-programmed instructions or control it through the keyboard
Course Outline
In this beginner level course on CoDrone, the participants will learn about:
- CoDrone overview - Hardware features, Programming tools and procedure
- Overview of the sensors modules available with the CoDrone
- Introductory exercises on graphical programming using SNAP tool
- Programming the CoDrone for basic flight movements
- Control the colour and display pattern of the on-board LEDs
- Program the CoDrone for complex flight movements and control from keyboard
- Accessing data from various on-board sensors and utilise them in program for CoDrone flight
Recommended Hours:
- 12 Hours (in full Course)